Wednesday, June 4, 2008

1st Hair Cut!

Back in the good ole days with his cousing Mindy before we cared about his long hair!

So here is Zander pre-haircut, happy as a clam because he has no clue what is about to happen! This hair cutting cape has been used to cut the Johnson boy's hair for over 40 years. So we felt is was only right that Zander got his hair cut at Grandma and Grandpa Johnsons house just like his daddy did when he was a baby!Grandpa had to take over because I couldn't get the guts up to do it. He was FREAKING out!
Devestated that his mother could betray his trust so brutally! This haircut thing did not go so well!
After the trauma Zander took off for the sprinklers~ He played in them for like a half hour!
Here he is telling us how horrible we all are for making him get a haircut! Doesn't he look handsome!


Amber said...

so cute! i did notice that his hair looked exceptionally great today!

Krystal said...

Looks good April! The first time I cut Noah's hair, I stripped all his clothes off and buzzed it in the tub! It was a spur of the moment decision, and I didn't have anybody there to hold him down, but it went alright! :)It will get easier I'm sure!