Sunday, January 4, 2009

Count your many blessings!

Today my little family was in a pretty bad car accident. We are all ok, but a bit shaken. I have been pretty emotional today...but in a good way! How thankful I am that we all walked away with nothing more that a few bruises and sore muscles! We were headed south on Middleton road when a large black truck went through a stop sign without seeing us. We hit him going the speed limit which is 50mph. Normally collisions at that speed do not end with all the passengers walking away. Our car is pretty trashed, but we are all safe. Today I am thankful for the kindness of strangers...for the family who invited us in from the cold and gave Zander a doughnut to help him calm down. I am thankful for the man who stayed till the scene was clear and then offered us a ride even though he had been headed home to his family. I am thankful most of all for a loving Heavenly Father who spared us from any real tragedy today. I can't stop kissing and hugging my two men today! How thankful I am for them. I am thankful for all of you, and once again, I am being reminded how precious life is! Mitch's dad said it pretty well today. " You can always buy new cars, you can't buy new people!"


Karli said...

Golly, you are making me cry. I am so glad you are all alright. I would bet Zander sleeps in your bed tonight, huh?

Amber said...

I am so glad you are ok!!! Car accidents are so scary and can so easily end badly. I am also going to count my blessings that you are all alright. let me know if you need anything--i'm sure you are all going to be very sore for the next few days. and it is NO fun dealing with totaled cars and insurance...ugh.

Krystal said...

Wow-I'm so sorry that you had to go through that! I'm so glad that you guys all survived w/o any real injuries!!

Andrea said...

NO GOOD! I'm sure glad you are all okay! Car accidents are sooo scary. They happen too quickly to react and yet everything goes in slow motion that you know exactly what is about to happen. Thank goodness someone was watching out for your little family!