Monday, April 20, 2009

Day at the Zoo!

We went with a few of our friends to the Boise Zoo today...the boys weren't super interested in the animals but it was still so fun and the weather could not have been more amazing. The picture above is all of the boys hitting that tree with a stick!
Zander pretending to drive the safari car! Thanks Sara for regulating turns on the car!! The boys all wanted to be in the driver seat at the same time!

With all of the cool animals to is my son staring at the big rock saying OOOHHHH!
I knew that the zoo had added Giraffes but I had no idea they added like a whole new wing to the zoo. They were so amazing!
What a bunch of hooligans! Brody was not interested in being in the picture!


Amber said...

Cute!! I am so jelous, we have not been to the zoo in a couple years. I love the rowdy boys pic! PS. Rocks are pretty cool too!! ;o)