Monday, January 11, 2010

Paint, Paint and more PAINT!

Okay, so who decides to paint while their husband is gone to the Fiesta Bowl?? I decided to paint our two living rooms....this first color was HORRIBLE! We both HATED it, so needless to say, we spent three days RE-painting it, plus we didn't like the size of stripe, so we had to totally start over and...
Here is the new color...oh and my new BEAUTIFUL mantle that my amazing father in law made me. Seriously, isn't she pretty!! The room is still a work in progress, the drapes being the next thing I am changing, but for now, we will just deal!
My family room was less of a headache, I loved the color from the moment I put it on the walls!

So, I think I am done painting for a while...for a long while! Until I decide to take on some other giant project while my husband is away!!


Amber said...

April, I LOVE the new paint! Good job, can't wait to see it in person! :o)

Kara said...

Wow! It really looks fantastic. And I love the stripe. :-)

Amber said...

GORGEOUS!!! seriously-- i love both rooms.

Kelly said...

What the heck? You did that by yourself while Mitch was gone? It took me like a month to paint our bedroom? You must be a painting genius...... Looks great sis!

SY said...

best example of if at first you don't succeed.. TRY and try again.. It looks B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L

Raelene said...

One word...Amazing! I am trying to take some wallpaper out of my kitchen while Jared is in Washington... He has been there for two weeks now and I still am not finished! I will think of you for my inspiration.