Friday, October 31, 2008


Well, it is official Zander HATES Halloween! We had a heck of a time tonight getting him to put on his adorable scarecrow costume that I made for him! This is the only shot I could get of most of the costume. I had little black birds that were on his had and overalls that he kept pulling off, and I had straw that was supposed to come out of his sleeves....Mitch had to put the hat on him as soon as I snapped this picture, it took us about 15 shots!
And off we go with the hat! He hated that thing but it was so cute!
I am not kidding in this photo he is seriously telling me off!
Hiding as far away as possible and crying about his costume!
Crying again because I put the hat on him!

Not only was the costume a total nightmare, he was so naughty at each house we went to. See, I think he is too little to trick or treat, so I make cookies and we take them to our friends. He had a meltdown at the first two houses we went to, so we bagged it. Well, as always, there is a reason to the horrible attitude, we felt really bad when he started having diarrhea all over the place including on my shirt, on the floor, on his costume, in our kitchen on the floor, it was aweful! I HATE HALLOWEEN!


Krystal said...

Oh poor Zander!! Isn't that usually the way it is-they are being little devil's (nice halloween pun huh?) and you are wondering why you try, and then they end up being sick and you feel terrible for all the bad thoughts you had...Or is that just me..?? :) Anyway, the costume looks super cute-maybe you will be able to reuse it for your next one. I hope that Zander feels better soon!

Amber said...

oh no!!! It does sound like a sad Halloween!!! He looked super cute in the costume though!! I hope he feels better soon. Quinn and I have been super sick since Thursday....ugh, so I feel your pain.

Brooke said...

What a wonderful experience you had!!Yeah I'm just kidding. Maybe next year he will want the whole Halloween experience. But he was cute. I was so excited you put your blog address on facebook. And little Zander is so cute, he looks so much like your husband. How old is he? Well I added you to my blog links so now I can spy on you all the time!

Andrea said...

It will get better! Well, actually, what am I talking about? We had to talk Morgan and Emmie in to Trick or Treating. They just wanted to eat the candy we were handing out! Never mind, I got nothin!!