Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

As soon as we got this toy open, he picked a spot on the carpet and went to work! I love the look on his face, and his cute little feet crossed and up in the air!
His very first masterpiece on the new Aqua Doodle! We are hoping this toy saves us at Church!
I love love love this picture! I didn't even notice the thumbs up till I up-loaded it!
Hmmmm...what is all of this?
Zander slept in until 9:15 so he was a bit groggy!
Stuck behind the tree!
Giving his cousin Grace a big hug!
This was the best picture we could get of the four grandkids! What a bunch of goof balls!
Zander and Mindy! How cute!
Zander and Grandpa and Grandma! No, grandpa isn't drunk...he just hates taking pictures!


Amber said...

cute pictures!! looks like Z had a happy Christmas :)