Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween to ALL!

We had a very eventful weekend! My sister was here with her husband and three kids, and we jam packed our weekend with lots of fun stuff. Our husbands went to the BSU game on saturday, and we took the kids to a Halloween Dance Party that our ward put on in the morning, and then we came home and played and ate, then the boys came home and we trunk or treated it and the boys took the kids trick-or-treating in our subdivision. We are all exhausted, but it was a very fun weekend! Here are a few of the pics!

Zander stopping in the middle of the road to check out his loot! Don't the other kids look so amused!?
I know this one is blurry, but I think it is so cute! My sweet niece Tylar was so good with Zman all weekend long! She said he just wanted to hold her hand the whole time!

Checking out the bright lights! I love this one!

I thought this one was a good action shot...nice job Mitch!

Zander taking a break from the trampoline to eat some Marshmallow Matey's.
And yes, that is a Marshmallow Matey stuck on his face!

My sisters cutie kiddos!

Zander was not having fun at the dance party. Everyone else was dancing and having so much fun, and my child was in the corner pouting the whole time! Precious...grrrr
I finally figured out why he was so mad...he saw the pinata on the way in and wanted it he is trying to climb on the stage and get to the pinata.
Mad because he couldn't get to itWith a little help from mommy, he finally go in on the Hokey Pokey.


Leavitt Family said...

So cute! I think that Amber should move back here :) Sounds like you guys have soooo much fun!

Karli said...

I can't believe he let you paint his face-I can't imagine Gray sitting still long enough to let me do that! Amazing what a few months more will do for their maturity! And, we have those same skeleton jammies-he wore them to bed last night & thought he was hilarious when he noticed he was glowing! (: So cute!

Kara said...

Who are those spooky skeletons? They are all so tall!

So fun to have matching little trick or treaters!