Monday, March 9, 2009

New purse and.....SUCKERS!

So I started on this purse last night and finished it today while Zander, he didn't really sleep, but I finished anyways!

While I was finishing my purse, he located the where abouts of my sucker stash, and proceeded to help himself to 4 suckers! What a stinker...but I couldn't help it, he was so happy!

I love the look of pure joy in his face!
I think it is funny how he totally has a guilty look on his face in this one!

What a cutie patootie!


Amber said...

is zander not napping??!! quinn talked/cried in her crib for 2 hours today without falling asleep. she has done that a handful of times lately..I don't know what's going on, but it's driving me crazy!!!

Krystal said...

Cute Cute Cute! Both-the purse and the boy!!